Te Marupainga has been involved in a review of our health and safety (H and S) management systems with our legal advisors Simpson Grierson.
This has included revising our current H and S procedures and realigning them to meet our responsibilities under the new Health and Safety at Work Act and more importantly to keep our kaimahi and tauira safe and well.
The review has taken a number of months and I would like to thank all of our kaimahi who were involved in the consultation process from Takiwā and Te Puna Mātauranga.
The feedback was essential to ensure that what was embedded into our systems was practical and able to be applied in practice.
Through Kia Haumaru we will be introducing two new Kaupapa Here (procedures), which will also be available on Te Kōpua.
This month we would like to present our Leadership and Commitment and Planning and Objectives Kaupapa Here.
Leadership and Commitment encourages involvement from all our people kaimahi, tauira, contractors, tamariki and manuhiri toward helping us achieve the goal to keep everyone as safe as they possibly can be whilst working and learning with, and for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Planning and Objectives is about evaluating our H and S management systems to ensure they continue to improve our health and safety culture and manage organisational health and safety risks.
This is crucial to ensure we don't become complacent and we continue to develop and remain focused on our overall goal.
Mā whero, mā pango ka ora ai te iwi, we can’t do it alone whānau.
H and S is everybody’s responsibility and everyone who works or studies at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is empowered to stop any activity they believe is unsafe.
If you see something 'unsafe'- then we encourage you to 'speak up' and let your kaiako, manager, Environment, Safety and Wellness Advisor or Health and Safety Rep know so it can be addressed before something goes wrong.
Take care of each other, look after one another, noho ora mai nā i raro i ngā manaakitanga o te atua.
You can find out more about these two new procedures here: